Aircraft Engine Specialists



180-Day Payment Deferraland90-Day Payment Reduction

CRP Benefits

December 2019

Customer Since

Company Overview

As one of our hardest-hit customers, this aviation company reached out to us for immediate relief. The company provides maintenance, repair, and operational support for airplane engines and has virtually shut its doors with the overall global decrease in flights. The management team for this aviation company applied for every possible relief program available, including bailout programs, aviation relief, PPP, deferrals, etc. But, with airlines still under immense strain, this company remains in need of critical funds. This Lessee has only been a client since December 2019 and had only made one payment, and we were able to offer payment deferral as well as payment reduction.

*These case studies are provided for informational purposes.  The names of the customers and the specific details of their business and situation have been withheld.  Qualification for Mazuma’s COVID-19 Relief Program is subject to review and approval by Mazuma and its underwriters..
