Mazuma Capital Completes Creative Concessionaire Transaction
Mazuma Capital, a leading national direct lender, announced it has committed $3,200,000 in a lease transaction with a national airport concessionaire. The beneficiary company is using proceeds for new construction and renovation of guest-friendly restaurants in the countries busiest airports.
Finding no quarter with its incumbent banking relationships or other lessors, the concessionaire turned to Mazuma Capital. The transaction is distinct from multiple perspectives. With proceeds being used for lease-hold improvements, a lessor is left with no remarketing prospects for its asset. Compounding the soft-asset challenge is that Mazuma functionally surrenders its rights to the property as the equipment is in service in the untouchable realm of the Transportation Security Administration-beyond the security checkpoints. A crowning innovation is that Mazuma financed an amount beyond the net worth of the lessee.
“Crafting this scope of deal requires a genuine partnership with our client and a deep understanding of their cash flows and a profound confidence in their forecast,” said Mazuma Executive Vice President of Sales, Matt Burrows.